Receta de pollo agridulce


Bittersweet chicken is a Chinese-American version of sweet and sour pork, this is one of the favorite dishes on the menus of Western Chinese restaurants. Chicken in sweet and sour sauce (Chinese style) owes its flavor to the combination of different ingredients such as soy, ginger, paprika and sometimes honey or pineapple. This dish dates back to the 20th century, when Chinese gastronomy became known thanks to the large population of Chinese immigrants in the United States.


Today we are going to prepare the original Chinese sweet and sour chicken recipe, this recipe is really easy to make and we are going to divide it in two, the preparation of the chicken and the preparation of the sauce. The chicken is extraordinarily easy to prepare, it is also ready in a jiffy and is very easy to pair with a white wine. White grape wines work well with dishes like this one because being sweet, both flavors blend well, remember that the dish always has to be less sweet than wine. On the other hand, chicken is a very nutritious food, it has vitamin B3, B1 vitamin E and minerals such as iron, potassium and phosphorus. In diets to lose weight or reduce cholesterol, chicken is recommended, better without skin.

bittersweet chicken

Without further ado it is time for you to surprise yourself in the kitchen and prepare this delicious recipe for Chinese sweet and sour chicken:


Ingredients to make an original Chinese sweet and sour chicken for 2 people:

  • 1 green pepper
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1/2 onion
  • Maizena
  • Salt
  • Oil
  • 300g chicken breast
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon of soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of Chinese wine (white wine voucher)
  • 1 red pepper

Ingredients for sweet and sour chicken sauce:

  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon rice vinegar (or wine if you do not have)
  • 15g of brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch
  • 150ml of water
  • 30g of ketchup


Step 1: Cut the chicken, onion and peppers into cubes, the size of a bite. the garlic, we chop it very fine.

Paso 2: en un bowl ponemos el huevo previamente batido, una cucharada de vino blanco y soja. añadimos los trozos de pollo y una pizca de sal y mezclamos bien.

Paso 3: una opción es dejar maridar en la nevera de 4 horas a un día entero la mezcla del pollo, pero si la cuestión es de tiempo, puedes continuar con la receta sin esperar más. Añadimos y cubrimos todo el pollo con una cantidad generosa de maizena.

Paso 4: metemos esta mezcla al congelador para que la masa repose y se adhiera al pollo, mientras esperamos, podemos comenzar con la preparación de la salsa agridulce. para ello ponemos todos los ingredientes de la salsa agridulce en un sartén caliente, salvo la maizena. revolvemos con frecuencia durante diez minutos hasta que espese, luego reservamos.

Paso 5: Es hora de sacar las pechugas del congelados. Le retiramos el exceso de maizena y freímos cada pieza en abundante aceite caliente. cuando estén doradas por ambos lados, las retiramos y las dejamos filtrar en papel absorbente.

Paso 6: en un wok o en un sartén grande, calentamos aceite, añadimos el diente de ajo picado, justo cuando este comienza a coger un color dorado, añadimos  los pimentones la cebolla y una pequeña cantidad de sal. Mezclamos y dejamos cocinar por 3 minutos.

Paso 7: Es hora de añadir la salsa agridulce, sin dejar de revolver añadimos una cucharadita de maizena disuelta en agua a la salsa. Con el fin de que la salsa se espese y cocinamos por unos minutos

Step 8: Finally, add the chicken and mix all the ingredients again and serve as a starter or as a main course.

Do not miss the experience of preparing a typical dish of Chinese cuisine in your home.